
Your support network

Join an online or in-person Dads Group.

“Dads. Their kids. Coffee. And maybe a playground. A simple formula that provides new fathers with the connection and support they desperately need.”

Visit to find a group near you or join one online (Australia).

Attending a playgroup can create a social network for you and your child. A place to play, have fun and be part of a group.

Playgroup Australia


Parents talk about how their relationships changed after having a baby and how they worked on them.

8 steps for sharing parenthood

How can you prepare for parenthood with a partner?

Here Elly Taylor, author of Becoming Us provides 8 steps to help you prepare for the parenthood journey.

Relationships can change a lot after having a baby.

Dr John Gottman conducted 16 studies and found that, where there are two parents…

“Though both parents work much harder after the birth of their child, they both feel unappreciated.” Read more.


If you have a partner, what is needed to maintain a strong, healthy relationship after having a baby?

Screenshot (31) offer information and links specifically designed for rainbow and same-sex families. Read more.

Parenting after separation

Dealing with separation can be incredibly difficult. But it can also be a chance to develop the relationship you have with your child.

Confidential and professional support is available to help you make the best decisions about moving on with life while supporting your child. Read more.